Complex and advanced typeorm query

1.Retrieve users along with their posts that have a specific tag, such as “tech”.

const usersWithTechPosts = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.tags', 'tag')
    .where(' = :tagName', { tagName: 'tech' })

2.Update titles of posts belonging to a specific user.

await postRepository
    .set({ title: 'New Title' })
    .where(' = :userId', { userId: 1 })

3.Delete posts that have no associated comments.

await postRepository
    .where('comments IS EMPTY')

4.Retrieve users who have the highest number of posts.

const mostActiveUsers = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .addOrderBy('COUNT(', 'DESC')

5.Find users who have posts tagged with both “tech” and “programming”.

const usersWithTags = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.tags', 'tag')
    .where(' IN (:...tagNames)', { tagNames: ['tech', 'programming'] })
    .having('COUNT(DISTINCT = :tagCount', { tagCount: 2 })

6.Find posts with the highest count of associated comments.

const mostCommentedPosts = await postRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.comments', 'comment')
    .addOrderBy('COUNT(', 'DESC')

7.Retrieve posts by a user that were created between specific dates.

const userPostsByDate = await postRepository
    .where('post.user = :userId', { userId: 1 })
    .andWhere('post.createdAt BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate', {
        startDate: '2023-01-01',
        endDate: '2023-08-01',

8.Retrieve users and their posts, ordered by the creation date of posts.

const usersWithPostsOrdered = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .addOrderBy('post.createdAt', 'ASC')

9.Find users who have posted more than 3 times in the past month.

const activeUsers = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .where('post.createdAt >= :lastMonth', {
        lastMonth: new Date(new Date().setMonth(new Date().getMonth() - 1)),
    .having('COUNT( > :postCount', { postCount: 3 })

10.Retrieve users along with their latest post and the count of comments on that post.

const usersWithLatestPostAndCommentCount = await userRepository
        subQuery => subQuery
            .from(Post, 'post')
            .where('post.user =')
            .orderBy('post.createdAt', 'DESC')
        'latestPost.user ='
        subQuery => subQuery
            .from(Comment, 'comment')
            .where('comment.postId ='),
    .addSelect('COUNT(DISTINCT', 'commentCount')

11.Find users who have posted the most recent post.

const latestPostUsers = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .addSelect('MAX(post.createdAt)', 'latestPostCreatedAt')
    .having('MAX(post.createdAt) = latestPostCreatedAt')

12.Retrieve posts with the highest average rating based on ratings given.

const highestRatedPosts = await postRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.ratings', 'rating')
    .addSelect('AVG(rating.value)', 'averageRating')
    .orderBy('averageRating', 'DESC')

13.Retrieve users who have both commented on posts and provided ratings.

const usersWithCommentsAndRatings = await userRepository
    .innerJoinAndSelect('user.comments', 'comment')
    .innerJoin('user.ratings', 'rating')
    .where(' IS NOT NULL')

14.Retrieve posts that have both comments and ratings.

const postsWithCommentsAndRatings = await postRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.comments', 'comment')
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.ratings', 'rating')
    .where(' IS NOT NULL')
    .andWhere(' IS NOT NULL')

15.Find users who have posted at least once in each month of the current year.

const usersWithMonthlyPosts = await userRepository
    .innerJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .where(`EXTRACT(YEAR FROM post.createdAt) = :year`, { year: new Date().getFullYear() })
    .having('COUNT(DISTINCT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM post.createdAt)) = 12')

16.Retrieve users who have posts with common tags.

const usersWithCommonTags = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.tags', 'tag')
    .having('COUNT(DISTINCT > 1')

17.Retrieve users who have commented on each of their own posts.

const usersWithSelfComments = await userRepository
    .innerJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .innerJoinAndSelect('user.comments', 'comment', 'comment.postId =')
    .having('COUNT(DISTINCT = COUNT(DISTINCT comment.postId)')

18.Retrieve the latest posts from users who have posted more than 10 posts.

const latestPostsFromActiveUsers = await postRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.user', 'user')
    .where(' IN ' + 
            .from(User, 'subUser')
            .leftJoin('subUser.posts', 'subPost')
            .having('COUNT( > 10')
    .orderBy('post.createdAt', 'DESC')

19.Find users who have commented on their own posts and also on posts of users they follow.

const usersWithFollowedUserComments = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.comments', 'comment')
    .leftJoin('user.following', 'followedUser')
    .leftJoin('followedUser.posts', 'followedUserPost')
    .leftJoin('followedUserPost.comments', 'followedUserComment', 'followedUserComment.userId =')
    .where('comment.userId = OR followedUserComment.userId =')

20.Retrieve posts from users who have both rated and commented on their own posts.

const postsWithUserEngagement = await postRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.user', 'user')
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.ratings', 'rating', 'rating.userId =')
    .leftJoinAndSelect('post.comments', 'comment', 'comment.userId =')
    .where(' IS NOT NULL AND IS NOT NULL')

21.Find users who have posted and commented the most in a specific month.

const usersWithMostActivityInMonth = await userRepository
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.posts', 'post')
    .leftJoinAndSelect('user.comments', 'comment')
    .where(`EXTRACT(YEAR FROM post.createdAt) = :year`, { year: 2023 })
    .andWhere(`EXTRACT(MONTH FROM post.createdAt) = :month`, { month: 8 })